Ready to help your child become a confident reader?

We help parents teach their struggling readers to read at grade level by using our step-by-step roadmap.
Apply Now!

Do you...

βž” Feel like it's a battle to get your child to read for even a few minutes each night?

βž” Get anxious when your child's progress report comes home, because you know they're not meeting grade-level standards in reading?

βž” Try to help your child with reading, but end up with both of you frustrated, because you're not a trained teacher?

βž” Search on Google for "how to help my child with reading" over and over, but feel even more confused and overwhelmed than ever?

βž” Worry that even though your child is smart and capable, they'll forever be held back by their reading struggles?

βž” Fear, deep down, that you might be failing your child?

What would it be like if your child...

βž” Begged to stay up late so they could finish a book in their new favorite series?

βž” Confidently breezed through their nightly reading homework, without stumbling over words or asking you for help?

βž” Raced home to show you their report card, because they were finally getting high grades in reading?

This is all possible with...

Rising Readers

The step-by-step roadmap to your child’s reading success!

Rising Readers is an online program where you learn how to use our simple lessons to get your child reading at grade level. This program is for parents and caregivers of struggling readers between the ages of 6 and 11.

Rising Readers gives you all the tools and resources you need to understand exactly how to teach your child reading - even if you’ve never taught a day in your life!
Here's how this works:

1️⃣  You'll assess your child’s reading skills (we provide the resources and guidance for you to do so).

2️⃣  You’ll plug in their scores to create their personalized Reading Success Plan - it just takes a few minutes!

3️⃣  You’ll watch a little over an hour's worth of parent-friendly “how to” videos inside our Curriculum Portal that will get you ready to use our simple lessons.

4️⃣  Within a week after completing the Reading Success Plan, you’ll be ready to begin working with your child!

To work with your child, you’ll rely on the instructional videos, lessons, and printable materials found in the Curriculum Portal. We tell you exactly what to do with your child, step-by-step. We even provide child-friendly videos that do the teaching for you!

As part of the program, you’ll be invited to our private online Community group, where you can ask questions and get personalized suggestions based upon what your child is struggling with. We also host weekly Zoom calls for our members, so we can check in with you, provide support, and answer your questions. We even allow you to privately submit videos of your child reading, so that we can take a close look at what they’re doing and give suggestions!

Rising Readers makes it simple to work with your child and navigate any challenges that arise!

Hear from Rising Readers member Katie!

In this video, she shares what it was like to work with her son before Rising Readers, and the transformation they’ve experienced as a result of joining the program.


Why consider Rising Readers rather than hire a tutor?

Rising Readers provides faster results at a fraction of the cost of reading tutoring.

The entire program costs about as much as 7 or 8 tutoring sessions would - but with Rising Readers, you get 2 full years’ worth of materials!  

Additionally, most tutoring takes place once, maybe twice per week. This can be helpful but will not help children catch up nearly as quickly as 3 or 4 sessions per week will.

And the BEST part about Rising Readers? You'll personally gain the knowledge so you can continue helping your child for the years to come!

Tutors may come and go, but with Rising Readers, you'll be empowered to support your child, regardless of whether you can find a great tutor or not.

Choose the amount of support you need:

Standard Program
Plus Coaching
Video tutorials that teach you how to effectively work with your child on reading tick tick
2+ years’ worth of games, stories, and materials designed specifically for kids who struggle with reading tick tick
Over 90 kid-friendly videos that teach skills so you don’t have to tick tick
Motivational program with prizes tick tick
Ability to download and continue using the materials after program completion tick tick
Private online forum to ask questions and get our input tick tick
Weekly coaching via Zoom to ask questions and get help cross tick
Personalized feedback on audio or video of your child reading cross tick
Feedback on test scores from a school /other source cross tick

Apply for Rising Readers now - and get access to our exclusive private training!

We're so excited to see if you're a good fit for Rising Readers! Once you apply, if we feel that we will be able to serve you through our program, we will send you an invitation to join, information about the cost, and a free training you can watch!

NOTE: This program is designed for parents. If you are a teacher or tutor, specify that in this form and we will send over a training just for you!

(You are under no obligation to join us in the program if you apply!)